
How can the impact of the European ‘Climate Farm Demo’ project on climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture be facilitated?

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stage Climat Conseil en élevage

The aim of the European Climate Farm Demo (CFD) project is to create a network of 1,500 farmers in 26 countries whose farms have carried out a carbon assessment and developed a mitigation and adaptation plan, and who will organise 4,500 demonstration events over a period of six years. Those demonstration events will contribute to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems.

The aim of this internship is:

  1. to build on the impact hypotheses already identified (in the Grant Agreement) and specifying the various possible impact pathways on the European scale of the project. Also, clarify the long-term impacts as well as the shorter-term transformations expected at the scale of the project.
  2. On this basis, the trainee will be responsible for analysing how the project can help partners to take ownership of the key stages of this impact-generating process, depending on their strategic maturity in terms of their transition towards climate smart farming and/or in terms of Climate adaptation and mitigation.
  3. Finally, the trainee will be asked to identify impact monitoring indicators... and make recommendations for successful impact monitoring.


The intern will use a "toolbox" adapted from the ASIRPA (Socio-Economic Analysis of the Impacts of Public Agricultural Research, developed by INRAE) and ImpresS (Impact of Research in the South, developed by CIRAD) methods for evaluating the impact of research, but also the existing impact tools for (knowledge/learning) networks.

The tools used will be in particular:

  • Target mapping (for whom? direct and indirect targets)
  • The innovation pathway (what means? what actions? what changes?) and its chronogram (visual representation of the innovation pathway
  • Mapping of actors (all the actors involved)

For this, he or she will conduct semi-directive interviews and co-facilitate focus groups with a panel of European R&D actors among the CFD’s partners. We envisage the following steps:

  • M1 of the internship: appropriation of the project and the impact assessment tools (interviews with the referents, bibliography) and adaptation of the interview guides (broad vision and deepening)
  • M2: specifying the various possible impact pathways on the European scale of the project (related to the different “stages of transition to climate smart farming” in which the different countries see themselves).
  • M3 to M5: making appointments and conducting semi-structured interviews (online) with stakeholders (including from flagship initiatives and policymakers) and co-facilitating stakeholder focus groups with a total of 10 to 15 people to share the impact pathways hypotheses and see how they are being taken on board (test the draft impacts pathways identified in the previous steps).
  • M5-M6: analysing, synthesizing, drafting and reporting results.

The deliverables of the internship will be:

  • minutes of interviews and focus groups,
  • a summary of the key factors in the impact pathways, linked to the projet “exploitation” of the results strategy
  • a report to the CFD European partners.


A steering committee of the internship will be set up with the partners of the Climate Farm Demo project, in addition to the daily methodological support.

The trainee will be hosted at the Institut de l'Elevage in Montpellier (Institut Agro Montpellier-Inrae campus). He/she will be supervised by Christine Berger (Climate Farm Demo Coordinator) and Christèle Couzy (impact analysis specialist).


We are looking for a student for a 6-months internship or “Césure”. Student in “écoles d’ingénieur agronome” interested in these issues, fluent in English.


Christine BERGER, Institut de l'Elevage, Campus l'Institut Agro Montpellier, 2 place Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex 2, +33 (0)6 08 27 67 95

Please, send us your resume and application, in English only, and before the end of November 2024. Job interviews will be conducted in English.

Gratification / rémunération

  • Gratification : 659,76 € / mois (brut) pour les stages supérieurs à 2 mois
  • Forfait repas journalier : 5,35€ / repas (net)(à compter du 01/02/2024)
  • Frais de transport domicile / travail selon règlementation en vigueur
  • Frais de déplacements remboursés selon les barèmes de l’Institut de l'Elevage