Statistic outline of French genetic organisation - Ruminants 2022
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France Génétique Elevage, Jean-Michel Astruc (Institut de l'Elevage), Agathe Cheype (Institut de l'Elevage), Agnès Piacère (Institut de l'Elevage), Gilles Thomas (Institut de l'Elevage), Philippe Boulesteix (Institut de l'Elevage), Sandra Dominique (Institut de l'Elevage)
This document presents the main performance testing of the year 2022 in France for cows (milk and beef), sheep and goats: livestock for different species, performance recordings (milk production, beef production), genetic and phenotypic trends...
The French genetics organisation for ruminants is characterized by:
- The involvement of approximately 57,000 breeders in the selection of the various breeds;
- Very wide bases of selection (registration and performance recording for a great number of animals);
- An intensive progeny testing of AI males, which is more and more taken over by genomic evaluation;
- A high genetic level;
- A significant genetic progress in all breeds and species.
Within the framework of a system of Quality Management, the breeders organizations combine their means and skills to provide farmers reliable results to lead the selection of their breeds.