Statistic outline of French genetic organisation - Ruminants 2019
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Laurent Journaux (FGE), Nathalie Malaval, Philippe Boulesteix (Institut de l'Elevage), Jean-Michel Astruc (Institut de l'Elevage), Pascale Le Mezec (Institut de l'Elevage), Gilles Thomas (Institut de l'Elevage), Agathe Cheype (Institut de l'Elevage), Jean-Luc Brunet (Institut de l'Elevage)
This document presents the main performance testing of the year 2019 in France for cows (milk and beef), sheep and goats: livestock for different species, performance recordings (milk production, beef production), genetic and phenotypic trends...
The French genetics organisation for ruminants is characterized by:
- The involvement of approximately 70,000 breeders in the selection of the various breeds;
- Very wide bases of selection (registration and performance recording for a great number of animals);
- An intensive progeny testing of AI males, which is more and more taken over by genomic evaluation;
- A high genetic level;
- A significant genetic progress in all breeds and species.
Within the framework of a system of Quality Management, the breeders organizations combine their means and skills to provide farmers reliable results to lead the selection of their breeds.