
[Webinaire] LIFE Green Sheep

Thursday 13 February 2025

Publié le par Sindy Throude
Événement partenaire Biodiversité et paysage Climat Evaluation environnementale Multiperformance - Développement durable Ovin lait Ovin viande
The LIFE GreenSheep team is happy to invite you to the next webinar, the 13/02/2025, from 3 to 4.30 pm for Central European Time (2 to 3.30 in Ireland time). Attention ! Webinaire en ANGLAIS (pas de traduction en français).


  • Update on the LIFE GreenSheep project
  • Presentation of a Spanish milk sheep farm sustainability and carbon action plan; by Neiker - followed by a Q&A session
  • Presentation of an Irish meat sheeap farm sustainability and carbon action plan; by Teagasc - followed by a Q&A session

Webinar in English - no translation will be provided



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